donation drive

Active Day of Lowell Leads with Community Support Initiatives

Our Value of the Month, Lead by Example, was recognized by both the teammates and members of Active Day of Lowell this past November when they took the initiative to organize a food drive, clothes donation, and participate in the Salvation Army Angel Tree project to help those in need this winter season. Everyone involved helped spread the word to their communities and supported the cause in any way they could by donating, wrapping gifts, making greeting cards, or sorting through canned goods and clothes donations.

The actions taken by the Active Day of Lowell Sunshine Club, Support Group, and Staff have shown leadership not only from their team but also from their members and communities as well. Each person took ownership in their own way and set the tone for those around them, helping others in any way they could. Their efforts benefited the community and provided a valuable opportunity for members to develop essential life skills and values along the way.

Our Centers provide services specifically tailored to the needs of our members and focus on enabling individuals to gain a deeper level of independence through teaching and reinforcing daily living skills, encouraging community integration, and offering volunteer programs. The recent endeavors Active Day of Lowell organized for their community allowed their members to take control, make decisions, and foster a sense of independence while helping those around them. They also learned about time management, compassion, organization skills, and the meaning behind our value, Lead by Example. These initiatives not only contribute significantly to the support we intend to provide to our communities but also promote the personal growth and development among the members we strive for them to obtain.

The Active Day of Lowell team deserves a huge round of applause for their never-ending support and care for their members and those in their communities. Their actions have proved we can all make a difference, no matter how small, and together, we can create a better world for everyone.

Want to be a part of our Active Day of Lowell team or become a member? View our open positions and apply online today or call to schedule a tour and ask how you can receive a FREE trial day with us!


Active Day of Lowell
Monday-Friday 7-4
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adult day care nurse serving dinner to a senior woman

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